Our team:
Over the years, he has been able to meet and know many young and valuable professionals - linguists, translators, copywriters... but also marketing specialists and even photographers that we involve in all of the projects where localisation meets marketing.
We gathered one of the greatest equipes around: FOUND IN TRANSLATION.
The love for localisation is what unites us: localising is in fact not just a matter of putting the same meaning in other words or languages. It involves quite often a deep rewriting process so that whatever is being localised will docet, movet and delectat, just as much as its original.
Localising is not a matter of words, but of emotions.
Our founder:
Samuele Canina is the founder, manager and chief translator of our equipe.
He lives in Turin, a nice town in northern Italy, and people know him as a passionate worker and always curious learner.
Translation, Linguistics and Teaching are his professions (and obsessions).